CZ Excel Converter Demo 4.0

CZ Excel Converter Demo 4.0

CZ Excel Converter is a powerful batch document converter
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4.0 See all
ConvertZone Software
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

CZ Excel is a powerful batch document converter. This piece of software is capable of converting multiple types of documents. It allows the user to convert PDF, XLS, HTML, XML, MTH, CSV, TEXT, DBF, Lotus 1-2-3, WKS, WQ1, SLK, DIF and the file list just goes on and on. This award winning tool features all the necessary capabilities that you can expect from an ace converter. To save your time and energy, the tool provides batch conversion facility so that you can process a number of files simultaneously. Apart from this, CZ Excel also works as a folder watcher. Either you can select manual converter option or work on folder watcher interface. Even, it is very easy to switch over between these two interfaces. Both the interfaces are very intuitive and help you perform the conversion task smoothly and easily. Furthermore, the tool is compatible with command line arguments, allows the user to drag files and folder directly from the desktop, and assures great results within no time. CZ Excel can run on Win 95, Win 98, Win 2000, Win NT 4.0, Win ME, Win XP, Win 2003.

VN Senior editor
Venugopal Naidu
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Review summary


  • Supports multiple documents
  • Can convert more than 1500 files simultaneously


  • Demo version can convert only two files at a time and run up to 30 times



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